
The data section was all about learning how to use Google Sheets, maintaining a database, and using MySQL. Gaining all of those skills seemed daunting when I began the program. It was not daunting because the skills I learned in the first semester were built upon in the second semester. Now I often use Google Sheets or Excel to create a to-do list and manage my budget, but before starting the IT, minor avoided using either program. Each semester taught me many new skills, and below are links to pages that describe each semester and the data projects I worked on in each semester.


Data 3610

In the first semester of the IT minor, I learned how to take raw data and make it into information. I learned some of the essential functions in Google Sheets, like average, count, count_if, and unique, as well as some more advanced functions like query. Understanding how to make the basic functions work, helped me...

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Data 3650

In the second semester of the IT minor, I built upon the data skill I learned in the first semester. In that semester I learned how to create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), create a database, create relationships in a database, and how to write a query that would bring back the specific results. All...

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